Viewing single post of blog Grimsby institute – Hull University

The joy of being a mixed media artists is that materials have no boundaries….well, for me I love flotsam and Jetsam, the opportunity of breathing new life into something old and forgotten, the possibilities of creating new connections, fresh meanings…….along with the fact that I really love how installation art draws the viewer to encounter new experiences through a visual and emotional feast….My dissertation is about how and why artists use materials such as cloth to evoke dormant memories and how they often use installation to gain successful and effective results.Artist such as Annette Messager, Louise Bourgeios, …other artists I have been researching further are Christian Boltanski, Anselm Kiefer, Tracey Emin,Robert Rauschenberg….. all these artists use installation art to enable the viewer to encounter first hand, through its construction, an effective impression of dispersed subjectivity. The clever articulation and positioning of the objects heightens the viewers awareness as they have to physically enter….its a whole mind and body experience. The artists present the viewer with elements for them to experience directly achieving a heightened appreciation.The fact that they all use cloth, clothes, textiles within their work takes the installations to another level…they become metaphors, carriers, bearers of significant meaning…provoking and arousing almost palpable responses such as memories and emotions……I am still working on my dissertation and have a lot of research to do but feel that I am turning the corner as to how to present my point…..I just have to thrash it out and stop being distracted!
