on Saturday I visited the other side of Limehouse, around the marina, the part that used to be named the Regents Canal dock, where the timber yards used to be (now Limehouse Basin). the place has been massively developed, stylish and expensive. No trace of the old times. Also visited St Annes church which was open because an art exhibition was on. Apparently it is usually closed due to some unsavoury activities in the area.

Anyway got talking to a guy there, Stuart Currie, who was interested in my project. He works at Departure, (www.depart.in) a community arts centre run by the London City Mission in Limehouse, and thought that they might be interested in exhibiting my work, as the project is based in this locale, so I made what might be a useful contact.

I took some more test shots, and think it is probably time to stop testing and commit! I find I have started taking photos under bridges, and think my bridge obsession may be making a comeback. Is this a good thing or not?