Its all gone a bit quiet.

The panic has subsided, or seems to have. Hopefully its not the calm before the storm.

I think people have their final work now, at least I hope so , seeing as the show goes up on Tuesday.

Plans have been made for putting up and the Private View,

In retrospect there are things which we could have done better but working in a group can be tricky when the group is small. Less people to spread the tasks among, so everyone trying hard to juggle their personal projects and committments to group tasks. Fund raising is particularly difficult when there are only 11 of you, so everyone ends up paying more for the extras we'd like to have.

I think the final collection will work well. As some students work addresses similar subjects, these will look especially good together in the gallery.

We may not have all the expensive frills and freebies at our little show, but the work is good and everyone has done their best, and that's what its all about.