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Practice & Persistence. Getting started has been a slow and painful process. That in itself I find sad. However, it does make the triumph of finally getting going all the more sweet. A blissful relief when the ideas start flowing again. It has amazed me how important the practical house keeping side of things are….. like finding perfect growing conditions for that sensitive orchid I have had to create a the perfect space and discover the ideal time to actually do the work.

One of the greatest challenges being ‘work’ verses ‘My Work’. By which I mean, earning money for paying the rent verses doing what I feel deep down I was put on the earth to do.

Survival becomes tougher in this climate and the mantra of responsibility drummed in from a young age weighs heavy on my soul. Paradoxically I have worked hard to create time for the play that is the essential ingredient to producing.

So now I get up super early every other day and go to play in my space. Early works because I am a morning person and because there is nobody around to interrupt….. a problem when ‘work’ & ‘My Work’ are supposed to happen in the same space.

In The Spider, The Mistress and The Tangerine, Louise Bourgeois talks of ‘the first state of affairs is I react to the quality of the silence. When I have adjusted to the silence I can adjust to the concentration’. This spoke to me. I ve been working on some origami I named ‘Head-space’ the making process being a warm up for creative thought. The repetitive, meditative folding soothed the angst and made space for reflection and room for ideas. I use it now to fill the gap when I am not sure if there is work in me on a ‘play session’. All I have to do now is make sure I keep turning up.