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I survived my trip to London. I can not explain the nerves I had which stemmed from the knowledge that I could be caught taking photographs of peoples homes that I do not know. Does that amount to spying?? I visited 9 of the 18 addresses I have previously written to. The first was the worst for my butterflys…what if someone opened the door and saw me…..what would I say??? Would I tell the truth or make up an even stranger story….would people understand? I pressed the button to release the shutter for the first time.. and then a few more times then with a quick glance over my shoulder I walked (quickly) away. The rest of the day faired pretty much the same I collected photographs of 9 areas and 9 doors. Traveled goodness know how far on the London underground and walked what felt like miles. But my mission was accomplished. Now to study my booty and decide on my next plan of action…..