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I have spent the last two days making a small filing box in which to house the results of my investigation into the Filmgoers Diary. I'm really pleased with it, it has worked really well but why did I feel the need to make it?? Is it some sort of personal indexing system? Maybe its a place to file and organise my ideas??

After a really helpful chat with a tutor today I have (finally) decided that my show will consist of the findings and results of the investigation. I don't feel the need to explain in black and white what my work is about but on looking at it I hope the show visitor will have a little glimpse into what I have been up to. Combinations of refined larger pieces and smaller investigative pieces will fuse together to create a really interesting viewing experience.

So, over the next couple of weeks I can continue to develop the work and literally be at a point at which I am able to show my most recent ideas and thoughts as an installation. Exciting I think!