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Where has time gone just lately??? Just as I seem to start a week the end of it seems to here. I knew time would fly this term but this is ridiculous!! Anyway, we get into our space next Friday for taping and filing holes. Then a meeting on Monday followed by putting work up for the rest of the week. A simple affair really if only I knew exactly what I wanted ! As I have previously mentioned my space is going to be a recreation of my studio space detailing parts of the investigation into the filmgoers diary and my experiences in an alien land.

Spent Thursday writing my artists statement which always feels as if it will be a simple affair but then takes ages. I think you get so close to your own work and ideas that it becomes difficult to actually step back and say a few concise words.

Part of Wednesday was spent at The Rodd in Presteigne (owned by the Sidney Nolan Trust) where I have gained myself a place as part of a week long Residency in July following which there will be an exhibition for a further week in the Tithe Barn. Exciting stuff I think. Fantastic to have something to get stuck into post college.