..sudden change of plan.

I will go to India as soon as I can get the Visa.It occured to me that I seem to be somewhat slow at making drawing based works right now and I could use the time far more efficently out there.

So I shall be off within the next two weeks.Now I just need to find a lodger.

Phew. This is much better, why didn't I think of it sooner?


..still folding boats and drawing them..
But the main focus now is on finding at least a little bit of funding for the installations / projects that I will do in India in August.
There will be 3 installation pieces and one temporary gallery, in which I will show previous work of mine. Brilliant. So much to do.

I had planned to be there for 4-5 weeks. I may stay 6 to get everything done. Upon arrival the first job will be to secure my premises, but I already have connections and I should be able to move in within a week.

Then the setting up and manning of the exhibition space as well as preparing my 3 installations.. I love that in India i can work like here only a very well established Artist can. And I love the response of the audience there.

Complete absence of cynicism. Instead an open mind to the work and questions people here rarely ask.
Looking forward to the process and experience!
It would help to find at least £2000, the actual cost could be £3000 or actually if I brought this to conclusion and imported my work to the UK then of course we are looking at more like £9000/£10.000

Would you not like to contribute?I would post you a paying in-slip for my bank account…


At the moment I am tearing up books and making paperboats and setting some alight… I am enjoying the thoughts that come and the disturbing parallels with book burnings and making a game of knowledge… So I am making disposable toys out of encyclopedias that once cost a lot of money, reflecting their once respected importance, necessity and status..

But they are old books now. Old, but not old enough to be valued again.. Never again valued for their content. Who cares about the Baltic Sea and the strange Australian mouse-animals whose names start with a B… and I am only at the section B.. who knows what kind of knowledge I will come accross and make us of…
…Perhaps I will make a tower of Babel after all.. I have been so stuck on this image for so long… But for now I am making boats for journeys that will never take place..Journeys with no purpose and no destination.

.. a journey still remains a thing that may throw up surprises and kinks in it’s design…

..where are the philosophers when we need them?