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WEDNESDAY 23rd of May / (Cup Final day…!)IN THE ANGLICAN CATHEDRAL LIVERPOOL AT 18:30h (The performance will start at 18:45h..)
"Devotional Choreography"a 5-screen cine-film-projection installation
Steve Boyland, Jonathan Raisin and Ray Dickaty will perform music in response to the work.. ( improvisation; piano, voice and saxophone). And they are really quite exceptional, so don’t miss this opportunity to hear their performance because you really would be missing first class quality.
I hope you can make it.Birgit.

Below is the project description.. The shortes version I can manage:

The catalyst for this installation is the divisive force with which many people respond to cultural identities that differ from their respective indigenous one… Focus is drawn on the visual poetry of movement and gesture, which devotees of religion have over centuries developed to honor and express their faith. I am temporarily taking the role as the choreographer of an interplay; a chorus;a series of pas de deux between cultures…

(ORIGIN of Choreography: from Greek khoreia ‘dancing in unison’ (from khoros ‘chorus’ ) + -graphy )
I am seeking out what is shared between and across cultures, unifying symbols of what make all of us equally human..

The project specifically investigates ritual movements made during devotional practices, as these are common to all faiths. The exact choreography differs, but as in any good performance on a stage, individual choreographies combine to a potentially holistic whole.. The grammar and composition employed within dance is transferable applied to life: For a harmonic performance, a certain generosity and empathy towards fellow performers is required. These movements and rituals are shown as a multi-screen-projection-installation, whichexplores the aesthetics of an endlessly repeated choreography which is connected to faith and prayer and which is also still strongly emblematic of individual cultural heritage.
The ambition is to orchestrate a ‘dance’ about cultural kinship..