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Today I feel nourished thanks to my art work, actually… While I invigulated my show, I met an interesting Urban Planning Phd student, and was drawn into a 2 hour conversation about everything. Philosophy, Art, Society, practicalities and the impossibility of me making it to this year’s Venice Biennale, after I already bought the plane ticket… We talked about teachers of all kinds and supervisors, education establishments, faith, spirituality, paths in life and right ones, wrong ones, and the debatable need to follow one at all… and I introduced him to scones.. (He isn’t from this Island)

The project costs had spiralled beyond all expectation (evidence is not exactly visible..) and the full time involvement with getting everything to work took 10 days more than I had scheduled. 10 days in which I wanted to make some drawings for the gallery that sells them and for a regular customer of mine, and 10 days which would have also been the time to reflect on next steps.. And so now I can’t go mingling in Italy with the international exclusives and would-like-to-be-exclusives… Making new work and meeting application deadlines take precedence over a not entirely neccessary adventure…

The conversation with this stranger refreshed my brain cells and I also feel a sense of freedom spread itself like fresh air, all around my mind… A freedom that comes with having made decisions. (Cancelling Venice, as sore as it was; and also not taking the opportunity to hear Jan Svankmajer talk, even so I have a ticket for tuesday in London, and I have been looking forward to this for 5 weeks -and to seeing my friend whom I have only seen once in the last 2 years and whom I love … But again, I just can’t leave my show now. After all the work that I have put in, I need to be here with it now.. And I am actually starting to feel proud of it…)