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At the moment I am tearing up books and making paperboats and setting some alight… I am enjoying the thoughts that come and the disturbing parallels with book burnings and making a game of knowledge… So I am making disposable toys out of encyclopedias that once cost a lot of money, reflecting their once respected importance, necessity and status..

But they are old books now. Old, but not old enough to be valued again.. Never again valued for their content. Who cares about the Baltic Sea and the strange Australian mouse-animals whose names start with a B… and I am only at the section B.. who knows what kind of knowledge I will come accross and make us of…
…Perhaps I will make a tower of Babel after all.. I have been so stuck on this image for so long… But for now I am making boats for journeys that will never take place..Journeys with no purpose and no destination.

.. a journey still remains a thing that may throw up surprises and kinks in it’s design…

..where are the philosophers when we need them?