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I love John Cage so much….

It's been a week and a half:

two relationship dramas, a trip to London, sleeping on a sofa in meat smells (being vegetarian those smells displease me), but sleeping soundly and as deep as not in months, attending an interview at the Royal College of Art for the sculpture MA, being greeted by a panel of 5 (yes 5!), freezing and de-freezing and re-freezing and sort of feeling that I pulled a corner and did ok, but certainly not flawlessly..

Traveling back to Liverpool, deciding against a cat; at least for now; having 2 glasses of wine and inspiring late evening conversations about the power of books, sleeping, exhaustion, more relationship traumas, more sleeping, e-mails and an invitation to attend an interview at Goldsmiths University, the e-mail which I nearly deleted because it looked like one of those overseas get rich quick scheme e-mails…

Ah, and I attended the Liverpool AIR event, which gave us all an opportunity to hear Leo Fitzmaurice and
Kai Oi Jay Yung talk about their respective paths that lead them from some time past to their art practice today. Leo's talk was great and engaging and I am very glad that I finally got an opportunity to meet him, just he was also absolutely out-charmed by Jay, who has a rare gift to enchant with her way of speaking about her work as well as a particularly shining personality. You may argue: "What has personality got to do with it, it is the art that should speak for itself.." But I would disagree with that, I think it is as much about the artist as it is about the art. Especially when it comes to someone like Jay. From my perspective she kind of merges with her work and becomes an inseparable part of it. I hope she will maintain her current momentum of the last years. I think she just might have a lot of future in her…

Then I won a ticket for a John Cage event…

…at first I leap in the air with joy, then realize that the event is in less than 24 hours.. Being upset.

Just that there is work to finish and to get into the post in time to make sure an application for a residency reaches its destination in time. And I can't sensibly attend a funeral then start and finish an application and drive up to the Baltic in one day. Well, it's just that the residency is one that I would absolutely love to be chosen for, so a rushed application probably will not help the matter… Art Sway! Could someone please tell them how brilliant I would be?

I hope they will give my won ticket to any poor student on the door. It is especially disappointing since I hadn't won anything in such a long time, the last time was when I won a Coca Cola picnic cooler bag, long before I took objection to Coca Cola…

And I love John Cage so much!