ruth_redgrave_art is my professional IG account which I use to share my ongoing work and exhibitions I have seen.  I now realise I can get analysis about clicks and ‘likes’ and other data  such as  viewership and interaction. I have 452 followers (and I follow 846). I have made 116 posts about my own art, exhibitions and related content. I do not post about my personal life but some artist do mix this up as a marketing tool. Between 28th March and 3rd April this year I reached 216 accounts and engaged with 64. The reached audience tended to be in Woodbridge, London and Ipswich, and 83% were from the UK.  68% are female and 27.8% between the ages of 55-64 yrs. My posts reached mainly followers (about 75%) and the one reel was liked by 20 with no comments. Before ‘reels’ existed on Instagram, I had posted 4 short videos which had between 59 and 134 views.

As a comparison, in my next blog I will look at an artist, Emma Connolly who has much stronger presence on Instagram.