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The first meeting was good. All but one artist could make it. Everyone outlined their initial ideas, their interaction so far with CN4M and how ideas were developing. The artists ranged in their approach from the very precise to the relatively loose. Almost everyone was tentative at the time of the meeting, but it felt like a healthy place to be in the process. With no cast iron deadlines, there is time for ideas to gestate and for experiment and play to take place. Focusing and then re-focusing. Apart from anything else its been a time of testing some of the initial proposals – and rethinking in some cases.
By the end of the meeting, the feedback was very positive. Hearing each other had been inspirational, supportive and re-motivated everyone.

For the benefit of the reader, here I re-cap on CN4M, and the purpose of the project: there is a lot of this redefining and reassessing going on. CN4M was set up in as a mechanism by which community, voluntary organisations and individuals could contribute to decision making in the city. It is organised into thematic pools, which shadow the Manchester Partnership (council and statutory agencies) and geographic areas and communities of interest – see www.cn4m.net for more information.

Each of the artists has opted to work with one or more of the themes / areas of CN4M and in some cases across all of them. It’s an artist research project, instigated by me, through the Culture Pool. My idea was that artists were more likely to engage with CN4M through art, than through meetings and long beauraucratic processes, and that their findings might be useful or interesting to CN4M itself and its members.