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Stuff. n, Material, substance or things of uncertain kind or not needing to be particularized or of inferior quality….

I’m finding it really difficult at the moment to write about my creative processes which is confusing me but I value the connections and feedback that writing a blog brings so I’m probably going to just treat the blog for a while at any rate just as a work diary..lists of things and what happened next.

It’s been a busy few days.

Monday: meeting with local arts charity to discuss an exhibition that they have asked Rebecca Price and I to organise. We are engaged in tracking down all the visual artists that the R C Sherriff Trust has worked with over the last twenty years with the aim of bringing it all together to celebrate and follow up the work of these artists. Some of whom have disappeared without a trace and some have shot to stella heights! So it’s going to be interesting!

Tuesday: meeting with Pete Allen the Arts Development Officer for Elmbridge, my local borough. I want to tell him about my new research project, working title, ‘Land, material and memory’. Although it has a basis in research it will be carried out in a practical way through doing and making and travelling and I wondered if he would be interested in supporting the project in some way. I have already gained some funding towards the project and really want to get feedback and see if I can use Elmbridge as a start and return point. He was very encouraging and wants to help. He is going to introduce me to some people who might be able to help in specific ways and also is interested in providing a base for a few workshops. So a good result. Later on I got in touch with Alison Clarke, the Surrey Arts Officer to arrange a meeting next week. Now for a total rewrite of the project summary!

Wednesday: Studio all day and also time to prepare for some papermaking workshops in Kent.

Thursday: More of the same and in the evening a wonderful talk from Freddie Robins at Zap. I feel as if I am wrting a weekly advert for the Zeitgeist Arts Projects talks and events so I probably won’t say much more than… go to them, they are good, demystifying, humanising and make me feel better about my work and practice rather than worse.

The rest of the week was prep for workshops and running them. The one in Kent at the Singleton Environment Centre near Ashford was very full-on and very enjoyable. I very much enjoy working with people which is why I want to buld that into any projects of my own.

Another exciting installment from the world of ‘stuff’ coming soon…