“It looks like a tent.”

“Have you been here all night?”

“Are you selling Hazard signs?”

“What’s it going to be?” “An art exhibition” “An art exhibition! There’s enough art in Preston already.” “Where?” I asked as she carried on walking. I guess people who ask you questions whilst they keep on walking aren’t really interested in having a conversation, just an answer to the question. This was particularly interesting because of Fiona Flynns letter in this months a-n. The difference here being Preston, as compared with, London. Preston has The Harris and PAD.

Another passer-by wanting to buy the worlds? End of august mate.

“You’re weird” says the girl walking past, I ask why, no answer. She walks past again and says the same thing. I think about saying “You’re stupid/thick/ugly” but what’s the point? I’d honestly actually prefer her to be able to articulate the reason why she thinks its OK to tell a stranger they’re weird but…..

“Is it going to be a big wasp?”


You’ve been playing that for two days now, you’re not getting much of a tune from it. Or words to that effect.

I am imagining the work men in the souks of Marrakech; the wooden spoon man. Sat there, on the doorstep of his shop work space, making wooden spoons with a mountain of wooden spoons piled behind him.

Curator Captions


Tartan paint

“So that’s how they do it?” “Do what?” The passer by was referring to my hazard tape covered planks, she explained that she thought they were painted.

Another lady asked what was happening and I told her there was going to be an exhibition in the shop. She said I could sell it and give the money to charity!

“Job for life there mate!”


It’s all good in the wood.

The phone vibrates and I pick it up. It’s Berrys, the delivery man asking where exactly I want the wood. I say you were supposed to ring me and he says he did, twice. I later check my phone and I missed the call because it was on silent. I ask him to ring Ken, St. Johns Shopping center manager. He rings back to say it goes to answer machine. I give him the best advise I can as to where to leave the wood, next to the second grey door; he says there are no grey doors, they’re all green. He says he’ll leave the wood between the 2nd and 3rd door, I apologise for missing the call.

I’ve painted the ends of the wood black and need turps to clean my brush so I go to the pound shop/stop across the way and it’s £1.49. I try B&M Bargains, they don’t have any so I try the other pound shop, it’s £1.50.

Yesterday I bump into a guy I used to work with who is now working as a Parking Attendant (traffic warden). I tell him I did the weeks training but the prospect of the abuse put me off. I confirm the following: PAs have to be wearing their hat to issue you a ticket and if they hand you the ticket, don’t accept it, just get in your car and drive off (if it’s on your windscreen it’s too late). Do not catch the ticket if they throw it at you!


A pair of passers-by asked what the shop was going to be. “An art exhibition.” “You’re gonna sell art exhibitions?” They wanted to know where I got my atlases from, I told them the story. They offered me a tenner for both.

What happens when everyone has everything?