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Hacking printers, losing brain

It occurred to me today that I think it would be possible to misuse the networked printing system across the campus by outputting statements from the printers to the people that use them. Most people always look at what comes out as they wait for their print.

I wonder if I could access all the printers on the network – my mac seems to sit outside of the PaperCut system anyway so it might be possible. Wouldn't it be nice if you found a bit of paper and it had a special message on it?

500 pages that all say "I want to but I can't"

"No one asks me about the weather"

Pictures of other photocopiers with their doors open. CopierPorn.

Or maybe I will use this to promote the work when it gets exhibited. After a little test or two…

Sheesh. What am I up to? Is this what happens when your studio is an open-plan office. You start making photocopier jokes? From a storage cupboard to a Tatiesque workers greenhouse. I think I am missing my old studio. A lot.