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Cities grow and change over time, new replaces old, new roads bridges redefine connectivity within a place. My project is based on the idea that we can most readily see this change by comparing maps from different periods in history My home city of Newport (in South Wales)is a place undergoing drastic change, there’s extensive demolition and the centre of the city is being drastically remodeled. This has caused me to reflect on the nature and character of this place and wonder how that may change. Of course any place is a accumulation of past changes, minor and major. It will be interesting to try and disentangle this. I’ve been thinking about this for a year now, I presented my ideas to some of the art professionals in the city, I think I was a bit red faced and inarticulate, but my enthusiasm seemed to grab them and they have endorsed my idea. My exhibition will show in our new arts centre The Riverfront recently built and itself part of the regeneration of the city.