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Have finally taken my graphics tablet out of its box and connected it up to my pc. The process is -you move a electrical pencil over a pad positioned on your worksurface and draw, the image appears on the pc screen and its as simple as that. Even though your not directly viewing the action of your hand, everthing makes sense and coordinates. The graphic tablet is responsive to the pencil pressure and the angle at which the pencil is held, so all in all it feels a fairly natural intuitive experience. I think it would be fairly well nigh impossible to do this project without this equippment. Current technology has enabled the project, I guess new technology will always act a cataylst for artist experimentation, which must be a good thing. Im using the pad in combination with a graphics software package, I know people can get a bit intimidated with software, so many options where do you start. The point is that you will only ever use a small amout of that functionality, its just knowing the bit you want. In my case it was the pencil tool that interested me so I got familiar with that aspect of it. I'm trying to define a look for my maps how they will appear the quality of the lines, their smoothness and weight. I want a organic flowing look to the maps the idea of a living evolving landscape. All these sort of things can be controlled an tweaked through the software so its all about experimenting at the moment.