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I been keeping regular contact with the gallery where my exhibition will be shown. Discussing the project and exchanging ideas. It's a useful exercise and gives me a bit of feedback and some constructive criticism. However from this exchange a slight difference of opinion has arisen. In combination with my drawn maps, I'm producing a series of sculptures. These sculptures represent certain details from each of the maps. The idea is that the viewer would seek out the sculptures within the maps. I thought it would be a good way of getting people to look at the detailing of the maps. My park map contains a dog fouling sign, just as you would see in any park. Apart from representing it within the map I also want to have it made up as an actual sign. Here lies the problem, an actual sign with the title of "don't give a shit". The gallery has no problem with it being an untitled detail within the map, but having it as a separate sign with that title is causing some problems. Contrary to what it shows it's not just about a dog taking a crap. Part of this map thing is about social change, previous generations willingy followed the rules and conventions of their day, by contrast we tend not to attach as much importance to them, perhaps that may sometimes border on being antisocial, that's the direction. Anyway I'll tone it down, will be disappointed if I have to bin it, took me ages to get that dog's arse right.