No doubt many will remember the huge sculpture which adorned the olympic  park in London for the olympic games held in London 2012 designed by Anish Kapoor . The large sculptural structure was a dominant feature of the olympic park. Following the London 2012 games, Kapoor’s sculpture re-opened in April 2014 as the Arcelor Mittal Orbit (after the steel company that in part funded the original commission) and is now a visitor attraction enabling panoramic views across London and the home counties.                                                                       Well this huge structure will now be added to, by the incorporation of the work of german artist Karsten Holler known for his interactive works of art and interactive installations, especially his slides, which invite the viewer to become participant… His work (as mentioned on 23rd July blog post) is on view at the Hayward gallery in London right now.. and his work ‘Isometric Slides’  offers visitors the chance to exit the gallery via two giant spiralling slides that uncoil down the building.                                                                                                                                     Isometric Slides   currently at The Hayward Gallery

This new collaboration will unite the work of two artists, using the existing artwork of Anish Kapoor and integrating  the work of Karsten Holler.                     Speaking about the new collaboration, Holler said ” I am thrilled that my tallest slide so far will cling onto Anish Kapoor’s The Orbit, taking an existing artwork as its site ”

Sliding is fun, scary, exciting… and firstly involves a decision, .. do i /dont i ..? but once you slide, you have committed yourself to the act, you are no longer the viewer (deciding) , you are the participant, and involved (decision done) a variety of emotional states to be experienced ! all brought about by art, created of imagination !!

It sounds a fantastic idea and i will definitely be a visitor when it opens to the public, which is due in the spring of 2016, i will be viewer, make my decision, and courage gathered.. become participant ……………………………..


In reference to my post entitled ‘A new day’ i decided to look into the world of digital art as it is today , and found out that the flow of digitally inspired art is increasing in its output, and far now from being a new ‘thing’ has become established in its field.                                                                                                                    I am already looking into the work of Bill Viola who uses video as a medium (more on this to follow in a separate post ) and decided to research the variety of work which uses this modern technology, now all around us today. Digital art is very much ‘alive’………                                                 Here are some examples, which demonstrate its variety…….                     Linguistics River  no date given  Gopakumar R P , Internet art.

birth Of the viractual 2001 Joseph Nechvatal ,Computer-robotic assisted acrylic, on canvas.

Irrational Geometrics  2008, Pascal Dombis. Digital art installation.


Yet more problems with technology, and yet, the advanced ? common world ? persists into a digital/ unaccountable era.., I deal, face to face first, and virtual world can follow gradually as i learn about it. the lack of face to face interaction is actually not the best thing, for we, as humans are a social species, and the effects of a developing digital reliance are already being felt.

“The Village Effect” written by Susan Pinker, is a new book which discusses this subject. What ‘the village effect’  shows, in a nutshell is that ” We’re lonelier and unhappier than we were in the decades before the internet age “. Life online goes against human nature , providing only a thin fake version of real contact, real life.         My question is, how will this affect ART  ? Will we see more or less, and how will it affect the subject/material and mediums used in our future.

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Well it is a beautiful moonlit night, the middle of the three nights the moon appears full from earth… I have been fascinated by watching the skies, night (and day)  since childhood, and know that i am not alone in this wonderment of nature, nature plays a major role in my practice and is relevant in creating my works.

The forces of nature in their many forms are some of the inspirations for my artwork, and exploring their different qualities informs my practice.. For example, with the tidal energy created by the attraction of the moon, i created a series of works entitled ‘ Time and Tide’ ( which i have discussed in previous blog posts ) this was a really interesting and informative project/process, inspiring original works, which i enjoyed and put a lot of effort into.                                                                                                                                                    I have many ideas for future work, which relate to the varying forces of nature, Gravity, Wind energy, Magnetism, and Fluid Dynamics etc…  It excites my imagination and creativeness and i am looking forwards to future work, with a nod to the past, on how ‘the process’  has informed my work…..