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I’ve spent far too long this last few days putting together proposals for exhibitions and applying for masters and funding that i haven’t really had time for much work, my hands are starting to ache with boredom! Lets just hope some of this monotony of application after application will pay off in some way! It has been a good experience though i suppose, makes you realise quite how much filing and sorting has to be done after you graduate, can’t just have the fun stuff constantly…

I did get to do something practical though i suppose, i wanted to get some better shots of my installations to use as photographic prints to enter into exhibitions, photographs seem to be a lot easier to accommodate into galleries than installation, especially in the spaces designated for those trying to work up from the bottom of the pile. You could say photography is a compromise of my aesthetic vision’ but then again I’m not too sure, although you aren’t brought face to face with the animals in their physical reality, they are still very intimidating, especially in larger then life prints, and it is probably easier for a viewer to study these photographs, the animals wounds and deformities as they are more likely to get up closer to the artwork, not as repulsed as some people get with the real animals.

Anyway, its a shame that spot of photography is over for the minute, as now, after too many applications and too many emails and phone calls about the degree show, I finally have to stop avoiding that dissertation. No more practical for a few weeks. If my hands are aching now, what will they be like by then!