Very productive time with two, very different collaborations going on. Firstly, recording for sound artist Peter Barnard where we will excahnge recordings. First one completed yesterday and ready to send and be layered. Done in the liminal space between mill where residency is and the outside, it is inside but outside and is just a tower with a spiral staircase with doors leading off. The second work with Louise Garland came from my hanging on a rack my collection of found knots. In true collector fashion, she then showed me her similar collection. From this point, we have made a net of random pieces of rope, string and tape that spans the gallery, a huge collection of knots!


Begun the Skype collaboration with sound artist, Peter Barnard. This can be heard at http://youtu.be/RLcztSRUNw0 .

Initial problems with Skype, difficulties of videoing the space problems with uploading the conversation have, for me, tended to overshadow what will be an interesting collaboration. However, this is our first contact and it is exciting to begin something new. His viewing of the space has purely been through a grainy video seen at the last moment so to come up with any response is remarkable.

At the moment, I will be responding to his ideas but those ideas came from what was written in this blog. I think that collaborations are always hard especially at the beginning. There has to be a starting point and that comes out of discussion. But nowadays that discussion does not have to be face to face. Not only will this collaboration be borne out of this blog but it will be conducted without face to face contact. Whilst the Skype video facility did not work, it now seems more interesting to conduct the collaboration without any visuals, it takes away any preconceived notions of our characters created through our appearance. Thus, it will be an honest discussion and working relationship that is based on a mutuality of ideas.

I perceive a successful collaboration to consist of open, honest discussions and equal working partnership that is supportive but allows space for intelligent critique.

The collaboration earlier this week with Michael Hobson set the tempo for the residency aims.