The spatial discourse appears to have come almost a full circle. Comparing the beginning of this residency to its current state, a simplicity is starting to slowly occur again. Having a finite time, as with everything, means more thought and less doing. I think that there has to be an element of consolidation for the benefits of two months work and six collaborations to take place and I do not wish to throw this away.


Recording day today! Can be heard at


Peter Barnard did the previous layer in a park, my layer was on a train. Think I need to play it loudly in the residency space and see what response it commands. I have been imagining the sound as a sculpture that elicits response in the same way as a sculpture. Playing it outside the space cannot have the same effect but it is not a site-specific piece unlike the earlier one that was done with Michael Hobson. So an early start tomorrow so as not to annoy anyone.


How not to conduct a Skype collaboration – background sound included radio, hammering many nails, loud conversation and bickering. Last night was my final collaboration of the residency and was with Toronto artist and curator Araya Vivorakij, done by Skype. The aim was to be able to immerse ourselves in the space with the created sound pieces but owing to the above, was unable to do so or record the conversation. However, we had a brief tour (no sound pieces) and discussion. So sorry Araya!

The outcome was suggestions of creating what is effectively a wind tunnel, taking the nets almost to a point of destruction. So I am endeavouring to borrow some more fans. Not sure how it will work but the filming should be interesting.

She brought up the fact that I haven’t written about the residency at any length. This was almost a choice as I wanted to concentrate on the making process and explore in writing at the end. I am not sure I was right though. I have made notes and jotted down ideas of course but far from comprehensive. There is always the dilemma of how to do the two things side by side, there never seems enough time either for the writing or for the space to think about writing, a perennial problem.

Developed the piece I did with Rie Suto, scraping the pigment onto the floor. Akin to work I did earlier, Painted Wall, but works better than that did. Space here for future development with the original and this piece.

Another sound layer by Peter Barnard, ready to be added to.

Painted out all the walls including Yizhong’s but have ideas of how to turn into prints.

Worked on light pieces until I felt that I had exhausted the possibilities with the things I had, at least for that day. I think I should return to original sound collaboration with Michael Hobson and create a new music track for the space in what will be my last week.

If there are any thought about the ideas and happenings in the residency, I would be glad to hear them.

Intending to have a ‘closing’ for the residency on March 23rd 5-7pm. Just dark enough for maximum effect of lights. Wall works that have been removed will be present as images and sound pieces played.


Extended the residency for another couple of weeks and thinking of having an opening. One more collaboration to go with Toronto artist/curator, Araya Vivorakij. The ongoing sound mix with Peter Barnard is continuing, current layers can be heard at https://www.dropbox.com/s/3r99x7ixs6f0brd/March%204th%20mix.wav

More video tape added to gallery space creating an entanglement of boundaries and divisions. However, adding light,filters, fan and metronome has created a fluid installation that is becoming more interesting.