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What was the outcome since the last post of the second vase designs?

Outcome was indeed successful in the end because at first the main colours of the second vase designs from the last post looked too plain and thought it wasn’t gonna be as good as my first ones. Now… I completely understand about printing process because in the first stages of my prints, they did not seem like much but when it comes to the second phase, the stencil part gathers it all up and makes my prints look complete.

What will I do next?

I might think about moving on now to some other vase designs because now that I have a comfortable thing going on here, I feel like trying out some more vase designs to see what effect I get with them. I deeply feel that this is just the tip of the iceberg to be honest because now that I have fully defined my printing methods, I feel I can try out anything now. Will keep you updated in my next vase designs and will try to show a movie on this kind of printing process.