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My Perspective and Process of These Vase Prints.

I wanted to try something new with one of the first stencil vases that I cut out  and I wanted to use the inner area of the vase shape and then I could print the background behind it. Once I printed the background around the inner area of the vase shape I then make the outer area stencil of the vase shape so that I can print inside the inner area to make the print of the vase. After I have finished cutting these shapes out I then have to roll out the different colours of ink very carefully using a very thin roller of my own and a steady hand to make the straight lines of the different colours.

Using the thin roller, I roll the colours as straight as I can onto thin plastic sheet which works very well towards the cleanest effect and accuracy. Once all the different colours are finally rolled out in straight lines, I then apply the inked plastic sheet onto the inner area of the vase stencil and use the roller press to print the background. Once this stage is printed and dried, I then do the same for the inner vase area but this time I roll out the different colour lines the other way so that the lines for the vase and the background are different to each other.

Once this is done I cut a bit more rim of the inner shape of the vase to print the outline of the vase in black so that the vase stands out more and looks bolder. After this you then get the end result of the vases which are shown above and to me have turned out rather well considering I don’t have to do over thirty or forty processes to get all these colours. Also doing it this way is more certain for the colours of my print to be more accurate and a better quality of printing.

A trace of the objects through skyping?

The whole idea of doing these types of vases to the other vases stencils I done is that I want to express the objects we really see through Skype or video. All we see is just different colours because the computer uses so many different colours to make up the objects we see through camera and you normally get invisible flickering of light and colours that the eye picks up on but our brain cannot see it properly.

I wanted to express this with the vases because at the time this idea just came into my mind of how we see objects through the camera and decided to use it on a vase. May continue to do more of these type of vases later.