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Why look into Grayson Perry’s vases?

Well… I thought about the way I design my vases with Chinese cultural patterns on them and wondered if there was any other artist who does something similar to me. I started to research Grayson Perry’s vases when I was doing the printing of my vases and how he puts his feelings onto his vases. He puts his feelings on the vases in a way that he expresses mostly about what the children in the world go through and how they suffer and combines these feelings onto his vases.

How does Grayson Perry relate to my vase prints?

With my Vase prints, I am expressing the English and Chinese culture bond together within my printing and also a memory trace of the experiences of seeing vases shops in China. There were so many real nice quality vases that I wanted to take home with me but were too expensive and delicate. So when I was walking around I noticed how people like cutting out stencils and putting that as a replacement for a drawing or a painting or whatever.

I wanted to make my own vase stencils which I did and in a way I am expressing the Chinese culture by printing these Chinese style stencil vases. I am trying my best to bond the two different cultures together with two different types of art because Chinese has their stencil art and I have my English printing methods. Like Grayson Perry, I am expressing my feelings and experiences that I went through to get these ideas of printing vases and the results are shown in my previous posts.

Can Grayson Perry relate to my vase Readymades?

I would say it can because each one of his vases tell a story of different previous life styles of what children have gone through and other matters. My vase Readymades do tell a memory trace within inside and the surfaces of my vases and acts as a life recorder of an old couple who have lived around these objects for years. These vases reflect upon their absence and act as a replacement of the old couple who use to live in the apartment.

The couple vases are slightly different in each other but really they were made for each other just like the old couple were made for each other. So yeah I guess Grayson Perry is a good influence to look into how he makes his vases and what stories lay behind the surfaces of them. Vases can tell stories and so can my prints.