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What ideas did I gather from my China research this summer?

I could say that I have come up with many great new art ideas and only a fraction of them are shown above. these are my most earliest of printing ideas that I would love to get started in although the screening process for making these different coloured layers can be a time consuming and pricey sum. I have managed to come up with some more technical printing ideas which is based around english and china differences along with memory traces.

I have managed to also come up with quite a few sculptural ideas which is mostly based around memory traces of my illness in China and the differences between English and Chinese culture.

How will I be doing this next step?

I will try and make a new appearance this Thursday and Friday to see what has changed and to see if it would be possible to start some new exciting printing early. Hopefully they would have finished the renovation for the printing room and other studios by that time. I am looking the up most excited to starting these new printing concepts and methods and just look forward to see the final outcome of these prints!

Today or tomorrow, I will try to buy the Fabiani paper which would be the most suitable for printing on as the print will last alot longer than other papers. I feel already that this will be a big new turning point for me in my art career if I manage to produce these and may just kick me up a gear higher.