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What is the latest updates on Chairman Mao print?

I was ready to print out the layers from one of the big printers from the printing room but a problem occurred in which I did not see this coming… The problem was that I originally made this image to a smaller scale of A3 scale and most of the edges of the image were already a bit ridged and not smooth.

How was I gonna solve this problem?

The only way I would ever be able to solve this problem would be to re-size the image to A2 size anyway even if it looks ridged. Then I will go over every line of the image in black by using the lasoo tool and once the lines are selected I will use paint bucket in black to try make them smoother.

I had to zoom in on the image at about 100% in order to make sure that there were no more ridged lines along the image. Then I zoomed back out at about 25% which would be the normal image size when it gets printed out to see if the lines look smooth enough.

What will be the next part of the process?

The next thing I must do is make sure that the rest of the images are all smooth enough and then they will all be ready for printing out. Once all of these layers are ready and are smooth looking I will print them all out on the inkjet acetate and then I can prepare them for the Emulsion process.

Hopefully I will get all of the images/layers done by wednesday I will print them out and should be able to get my first two layers on two silkscreens ready for printing.

Feel free to watch a short 4 minutes of me showing and examining the problems within the lining of my image.