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Why look into Jeff Koons?

I wanted to look into Jeff Koons because of in my latest illness sculpture called ‘The possibility workings of inside a working man’ is a sculpture made from ready-made objects. This is why I wanted to look into Jeff Koons because of his use of ready-made sculptures based from his desires of balloons and childish fantasies.

What kind of work does he like doing? 

  • Balloon Animals

In 1998, he done a series of animals in 5 different colours which were magenta, red, orange, yellow or blue and they were mirror-polished stainless steel with transparent color coating of these 5 colours. These animals he done were either a dog, rabbit, monkey, snake or the women and were all at least 8 foot tall or above. Orange Dog – his most valuable piece sold at auction for about 58 million dollars.

  • Heart

Koons presented Hanging Heart, a 9 feet tall highly polished, steel heart, one of a series of five differently colored examples, which is part of his Celebration series. Large sculptures from that series were exhibited at the Metropolitan museum in New York in 2008.

  • Vacuum Cleaners

In 1981 he done a series of readymades of vacuum cleaners in which Two immaculate, unused wet, dry vacuum cleaners are stacked one on top the other and are sealed in Plexiglas display boxes lit from below with fluorescent lights. Separated from their domestic role as cleaning machines, the objects are elevated to sculpture.

  • Jeff Koons Quotes:

“I chose the vacuum cleaner because of its anthropomorphic qualities,” Koons has said. “It is a breathing machine. It also displays both male and female sexuality. It has orifices and phallic attachments.”

So how does his work relate to my work?

So really when he states that his objects such as the vacuum represents a person such as a male or female this was exactly what I was thinking with my sculpture. I strongly think that his work relates very well with the sculpture that I am planning on creating which will be constructed with the use of ready-made objects.

some of these objects will represent myself that will re-enact my illness that I suffered in China and England and like Koons vacuum works representing humans, my objects will represent myself. These objects will be a Chinese squatting toilet with plastic tubes and funnels which will re-enact myself.

Who else will I start looking into?

I may start looking into Damien Hirst with his use of ready-made gruesome objects that he uses in his sculptures and the ones with medicine. I will also look into carsten holler’s ready-mades too with his twin looking sculptures.