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Why look into Tracey Emin?

Tracey Emin is an British artist who recreates her past through objects to make her art work. Looking at Emin’s my bed within the horizontal view of the photograph, it seems inhabited with recognisable used everyday objects which simply forces the viewer to respond more in a social context. The meaning of the social context is more outlined when it comes to seeing the everyday used objects on the bed that relates back to her social life style.

Theorist mandy merck and Chris Townsend explain about how the use of objects or readymades develop the signs of memory traces through Tracey Emin’s work.

” Emin frequently uses images, objects and materials from her own life to address difficult subjects such as rape and abortion but her work consciously reworks her ‘life story’ as a set of narratives and memories.”

My bed is clearly a piece of work that invokes a direct response to the viewer with the objects laid out as obvious clues to Emin’s past. All the objects point to a direct sexual downfall of Emin’s relationship history. These signs from the objects indicate memory traces from her relationship with men.

How does Tracey Emin relate to my artwork?

So in relation to my current themes most of my work is about cultural relationships and does address a social contexts such as Emin’s work. I also like to use everyday objects to address my experiences as narratives. Like my Chinese squatting toilet, this explains a narrative that is held within the objects because I am partially trying to explain my illness and not telling the whole story.