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The final show is speeding towards us with… speed. We’re in quite a happy flurry with publicity, mailing lists, and tomorrow is the big who-is-going-where debate session. We get on well mostly, I look forward to seeing my fellow artists-in-the-making.

My work has taken such an interesting turn in the last few weeks. Initially I felt this was Not Great Timing, but its just working out so well. I know what I am doing, there is lots to do, and I can see my work stretching out into the future, beyond the degree. I guess I must have worried that the end of the degree would see the end somehow of my work, because it feels like relief. Bring on the show – I am genuinely looking forward to it.

Oil painting! After these months of installations and animation work, I return like the prodigal oil painter to the land of oil painting. I am loving the home coming, and there has been such a satisfying step forward in my work thanks to this move.

The drawing – and painting – has always been there just behind the surface. Perhaps I have wanted to wear a mask, perhaps being just a painter didn’t feel like enough, perhaps its my genuine excitement and interest in installation work and animation. Doesn’t matter, point is, I’ll be putting up paintings.