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I delighted in treating myself to an online life drawing session with my favourite art school this week: St Ives School of Painting. The session was hosted by Gary Long, who regards the life drawings of David Park, one of the San Francisco Bay Area painters as a key influence on his own work. Indeed, Gary nearly studied in San Francisco himself  before his life took him to another part of the world to study instead. Gary focused on the life drawing techniques of David Park during this session.

The first part of the session started with loose outlines in pencil,  as we were encouraged to view these as preliminary drawings for any paint that may be overlaid afterwards. These are my drawings:

I haven’t placed these drawings for sale but am always open to enquiries should any take your fancy – just click here to ask me.

Thank you to my patrons for making my art learning and practice possible,

your support means the world to me x

(fancy becoming a patron? click here for more information)