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I’ve had a week of minor worries, but after a sunny weekend I’ve put it all behind me.

Before I started at Lincoln I worried about my proposal. What if it’s a dull, wet summer and I can’t take the photographs? Well that one was unfounded. It was the best summer we’ve had for many years. I then worried about how to make this conceptual idea look like my work. I got around this one by photographing the things that interested me in the same area and separating them from the main images which are postcards of the locations.

As the deadline approaches the worries have been coming thick and fast. Is the quality OK? Have I lost data on my Jpegs? Do they need replacing? Which are the best DVD’s to burn onto? Why am I losing the top and bottom of my picture on the TV? Do I need to customise the aspect ratio? My fingers are crossed that I’ve got around these concerns.

Not only worried, traumatised too. Place Setting has been burned onto my brain by repeat viewings. There was no way around this, it had to be watched many times. It reminded me of the repeat viewings major disasters get on the news. You have to keep watching for new information. This had the effect that as soon as I’d put one problem right another would raise it’s head and I’d have to watch it again.

Well it’s gone now, safely delivered to The Collection. The screen will be installed this week. It will be 27cm by 47cm, the largest TV that would fit on the small black wall of Gallery 3.

I’m still putting the finishing touches to the gallery guide and have added a map of Derbyshire from 1805 with the places that I and the artists of the time visited. Then there is just the talk to prepare and myself to be prepared for the talk…