boarding pass
tram directions
camera, clamp, tripods
the lenses
recorder, headphones, microphone
computer, hard drive, screen
all the wires
glass plate from scanner
olololo folding equipment (knife, card, list, pen)
tea and thermos
felt book
all the pens
the llama biscuits
hot water bottle
hedgehog hand warmers
gloves, gloves, hat, scarf
olololo etc for library
German books
Sartre nausea
Berger on drawing
Maxwell on poetry
Derrida blind memoirs
Oswald memorial
clothes esp the new shoes
all our very small shampoos

On Saturday I’m leaving for Linz in Austria, where an apartment and a studio are waiting for me at Atelierhaus Salzamt. It’s a month-long residency and I’m planning something to do with lines. I cannot wait.

To keep things interesting (ha!) my PhD interim viva has been scheduled for the very day before I leave, so in the meantime all thoughts are directed towards that. But yesterday I bought a suitcase with all wheels and zips in tact. And in small gaps between trips to the library and the studio I am writing lists of what to pack and gradually accumulating equipment and neatly folded vests in a corner upstairs. Austria in the winter is cold.