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Nothing to report tonight. Actually lots to report, but I’m going to leave this video rendering overnight, check the audio in the morning and then I’ll post it online for you to see, you unidentified second person you.

I found a shop selling tennis balls, and bought a couple of squash balls, shuttlecocks and ping pong balls too for good measure. They were helpful — the ping pong balls in particular because of the way they ping against the wall. But as I was editing the ping pong video I flicked through some previous videos and found the tea strainer did better things than the ping pong ball. It rearranged itself in flight; it was shocked when it hit the surface; it had a complex outline that kept changing. I’d wanted to try the setup using a ball because I thought its formal simplicity would be a good thing; turns out something was lost.

So I threw other things at the wall instead. I’m hoping to get the new video up by around lunchtime. In the meantime, this picture’s a CLUE.