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Here’s what I’ve been thinking about the two artworks I posted yesterday – the ones by Gryzmala and Kempinas.

I’m interested in the way these works are constructed from objects because I’m troubled by the flatness of the videos I’ve been making over the past two weeks. I’m working with a projector rather than a video screen in an attempt to address this, and moreover specifically addressing the three-dimensional space between the projector bulb and the screen it throws the light against — but finally what I’m working with is light, and flatness. The exhilarating thing about the Kempinas work is its perpetuity: it’s on loop, a single proposition in continuous movement, and to do this it just uses stuff. Some industrial fans and some loops (yes, loops) of film. This stuff gives the work a satisfying kind of inevitability.

Well. This morning I tried to open a blind in my Wohnung but it got caught and stopped halfway. The catch of the plastic against the metal, and the way it tugs the cord taut and stops the blind short: all this has the kind of inevitability I enjoyed in the Kempinas piece.

I re-contrived the episode immediately afterwards so I could record it on camera, but it’s not the video but the material episode I want to keep: the apparatus, the disagreement among objects, the shock of it in the middle of the morning. I wonder, could I have recorded it in a different way?