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Part Two | Week Two

Now 11 days into my residency here at Aberyswyth Arts Centre. Really going well, today it is beautiful sunshine.

Last night (Thurs 14th) was my talk, despite having a huge amount of images and videos I managed to get through it all, answered a few questions, and the feedback I’m getting is positive.

During the weekend (9th/10th) we welcome poet Rhian Edwards into the flat, who will be doing a writers residency in parralell to mine and Eeva’s. Will be really interesting to see how her work will evolve over the coming three months.

Monday (11th), continued further layering with the wind turbine work, and also return to some of the original footage to create a more simpler piece.

Tuesday (12th), on this day I decided to return to the wind fatm and try recording the sounds of the turbines. Kind of mixed, it was good to see what my equipment could pick upt. The difficulty whilst I was up there was the wind intesity was so strong it dominated the sound recording. Hopefully I will be able to eeck out the real sound of the turbines.

Wednesday and the Thursday was mainly concentrating on the talk, so the progression of my visual work was put on temporary hold.

Today (Fri 15th), listening to the sound I recorded on Tuesday. With the 31 band equaliser on FCE (the software I use for editing) I’m able to isolate some of the whirling mechanicle sounds produce by the turbines, seems to be dwelling in the middle frequencies. Feel that next time I attempt to record the sound using my standard mic I will need to do it on a less windy day. It would’ve been best doing the sound recording on my first visit and the filming on this one.

Extra note

Also last night I went to the ‘Facade’ performance, a unique experience, one I will never forget, restaurant dining meets circus acrobatics.

The seven days of the Wales One World film festival starts to night, I have booked to see five of the films, my first is tonight – Wadjda, a film from Saudi Arabia.