Viewing single post of blog London E15 pre 2012

As I touched on in my previous post I was a little nervous about installing my first guerrilla intervention but the speed in which the workmen were progressing imposed on me a natural dead line. The last thing I wanted was to return form my holiday to a freshly laid street in which my work would have no place. (As it turned out this was an unnecessary worry as the street still looks like a krypton factor assault course)

Sooo I dragged my self out of bed at 7.30 on a Sunday morning, donned my high viz vest and headed out like any sane person to insert work in to the central reservation of a busy London road. All was going well until I looked up half was through to see traffic police doing speed checks only 100yards away! What are the chances? After a small panic attack I got my head down and finished putting the panels in place. I need not have worried they couldn’t have cared less. I’m hoping this will get easier.