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Louise Nason Artist in residence.

The residency began at the end of April. Two months later and the time has seemed to fly-by.

It all began with the building of the loom. A construction which took a day and 3 people to build partly because of the weight but also the size. The loom is a solid wood maxwell countermarch floor loom. It seems very much at home in the space at st George’s as do I, now I have had the time to settle in.

The residency began with a launch exhibition which had a lot of visitors and set me off to a good start.

After several days of threading the warp, I began weaving a set of linen samples.

Weaving can be a slow process where a lot of time is spent preparing the loom and threading the warp before weaving can begin.

Last week two successful workshops took place. One a very short introduction to spinning with a small group of children from my old primary school. it was good to make a connection with a school which sparked my enthusiasm for art.

The second was a adult weaving workshop where the group took it in turns to weave on a table loom drawing on influences of the church. They also completed individual card weaving with a variety of conclusions some using found yarns which had a personal meaning to them.

I look forward to teaching other groups however daunting it may seem now!