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I love being a student again… despite the deadlines for presentations and essays approaching at an alarmingly fast speed, I’m really enjoying the whole experience.

So far, I’ve been to a few galleries, all within a days travel, listened to curators talks, started to read critical theory books and explored new contemporary artists. Oh and I’ve started to make some artwork.

It’s a joy to be in a mentally stimulating atmosphere again.

My work has taken a direction towards textiles, I’ve started to look at quilt making as an art, it’s position in regard to gender politics and craft, how this artform can be used to express ideas whilst creating a beautiful object.

Ive realised there are three elements to my process, from walking and foraging, bringing these foraged items home, lighting a fire to create the alchemy that happens in eco dyeing to the domestic act of sitting and sewing. There are several threads to explore further and they all seem to contrast each other.