
last post for a while, the internet goes off tomorrow and back on 3rd Oct. Change of service provider but our dithering means a lapse. May mean i’ll tidy the studio and begin to build a set.

It means ive been focussed this morning, have done all teaching materials and mailed them off. Just about to do a last minute trawl to see if there is any jobs/apps that i should apply for as i have childcare until 2.30.

the perspex for my large frame has arrived so hopefully not scratched and keeps the print from wrinkling.

So if you are in the folkestone area at the weekend – pop in. it is the last weekend of the triennial which i think has been good for folkestone and me. I still have four pieces to see before sunday.



My international media and press team in action at 7am this morning.

A little cottage industry of printing and cutting invites to deliver to the neighbours on the way back from the school run. I like the idea of neighbours coming to the show but most of the time i think its so they can sneaky peak at the house. At this point in time it hasnt evolved enough for me to feel vulnerable about our design and decor choices.

Maybe for the Folkestone Triennial 2014 we wont be so open but hopefully we will.


Show time again.

Check out is this weekend!!!

Have updated website & mailed out invite. Two of the works are installed already so hopefully things will go smoothly.

Made a new image, very happy conceptually – think the series will work. May tweak the lighting for the next shoot. Spectrum did a great job printing it – i got over excited and got a 4ft x 3ft print made. not really considering the onward implacations – cost of framing, transport, storage & travel box etc

But on the other hand, the image holds and seems to demand the obscene scale –

so i think another series of work that is unfortunately destined to exist portfolio size until some mystery benefactor/ museum/ gallery says ‘we love it, need it, want it and we’ll pay all costs’

Is this a mills & boons art vision – oh well

Looking forward to having everyone here for the weekend, with the added bonus there is beer festival on at the Leas Lift


So if you find yourself in Folkestone at the weekend please pop in to the show. all info at http://www.checkinandout.wordpress.com


blimey – over a month!!!!

Thats what happens when the sunshine and the summer hits. Have survived the language students so far but all change tomorrow when we have our first boys ( 1x 16, 2 x17) to stay. Am wondering if they can be noisier than the girls and hoping they eat more.

I have set a target of a new image this week for the check out show which opens on the 24th September. I am aiming for a 30in x 40in framed print. Seeing it took 18 months to finish the last piece of work, it seems like im pushing it but i’m still thinking its possible. have all the stuff, have done a sketch – but typically now when younger son snoozing, oldest one entertaining himself by being my assistant – we have cloud cover & its going to P down. I dont have access to studio light so need to shoot outdoors. Have build a small portable set.

Ideas & images sit inside my head for so long processing at times, that sometimes its inevitiable they dont get made, get passed over by a newer idea. or on other occassions it can seem that I am really decisive and make a piece in record time.

Check out is in three weeks – so will start updating website soon.

Have childcare monday. Have applied for the AA2A scheme at UCA and hoping i get to be one of the four artists – as access to equipment on a regular basis would be brilliant and keep the momentum up.


about to do something i havent done in a while – walk away from the computer and read a book.

I have studio/making anxiety and find myself surfing the net instead of knuckling down. I am avoiding the situation, the moment and feeling very out of synch with art, my art and the art world.

I have cried twice this morning both about the same thing, the shootings on Utoya, I read the texts sent between mother and daughter whilst the shooting was going on. How they could be so calm was amazing, makes me tearful just typing this post and i cried again when a radio 2 dj read out an excerpt when i was driving.

The power of text in real time is frightening, absorbing, addictive and detached but at the same time provides a space to project and to latch on personally.

The mother must have wanted super powers to fly in and swoop her up, and all the others.

The boys are out of the house and its very quiet and i am surprised by how furious and angry I am by my powerlessness.
