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The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum by Heinrich Boll

its all about books….

At the moment that is. I am developing a series of workshops which work with word and image, so I am currently customising, graffitting, enhancing, drawing on, butchering, adapting, decorating, old books. The Lost Honor of Katharine Blum has been sat on my bookshelf for the past couple of years. I read the first few chapters some time ago and then shelved it when I was seduced by a more enticing book….

I find there's a two fold aspect to reading …mostly its for pleasure, for knowledge … but sometimes we do it for the pure distraction, pure avoidance of doing something else….

I know that this is a really good, book, it won a Noble prize, and having been drawing away in it I am drawn again to reading it….but not right now, as that'd be only distraction…