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Where was my first performance, and how I felt myself?

Well, my first presentation was on the plinth placed in front of the main building of UCS. So, I was exposed in front of the people walking in the street and in front of students and teachers. At first I felt a little ashamed, but the mask, which I used at the beginning of the performance helped me to hide my nervousness, however I understood that the role of the performer is to convey the message. I acted like was at a party and I supposedly would suffer aggression by my partner. But over time and reflection on the performance, I think that the mask also made part of the context and took another perspective because the mask represents the hidden face of someone’s personality.
A mask can hide any face image, your identity, and when I use the mask, I also took the audience to question what is hiding from behind a mask, will be that we all at some point in our lives we hide something. In many relationships, when there is something wrong, it is because someone uses an invisible mask to cover their true identity. However, when violence has its revealed identity, the mask falls.

How could I show again the same performance?

My performance art, which I have developed throughout of my Fine Art course, it is ephemeral because I could never repeat the same acts. To be seen again the original performance action, it can only be possible through documentation which is a key part in the art of each performance.