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Sam Cobb

[email protected]


The collection is made up of charms, amulets and relics. An assemblage of original historic pieces, replicas and new designs combined to create modern amulets and good luck charms.

Collection 1: Money Tree

Copper coins (1908-2010) derived from the tradition of the Money tree. It was believed that hammering coins into the bark of a tree would bring wealth and fertility to that individual.

Collection 2: Weighing of the Heart

Derived from the early Egyptian ritual of weighing of the heart where the heart was balanced on scales against a feather to show how heavily the deceased had sinned.

Collection 3: Guardian Angel

This last collection is of angels and contains a replica of an already established amulet cast from a pendant that was given to me by my partner, referring to his vision of me. I wear it for protection, it is extremely sentimental.

The idea of this assemblage is for the wearer to bring their own semblance of sentiment to each individual piece, whether it is for wealth, protection or pure good luck.