Viewing single post of blog Moving Out, of “the shed”

“Trashed” Not a title for new work, no, but it is what has happened to my last panel.I have been working on this panel on and off, since March, and I should have been warned, as the damn thing has caused much angst. As it happens this piece was to be the last wall piece in this particular body of work, but now its not going to happen, I will stick with the work already done. It is time now to move my work off the wall so to speak, and progress into the third dimension, and working with other media. I already have 3d pieces to go alongside the panels, this will now be an extension, although still staying with original concept.The music that is being composed to acompany this work is progressing well, and should be ready for exhibition by November.The music that is being composed to acompany this work is progressing well, and should be ready for exhibition by November.