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I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia and Dyslexia issues in 2014, which had seriously affected previous essay results and I began year six with enormous trepidation. The dissertation was looming on the immediate horizon and the diagnosis had caused me to consider ending my studies.

However, armed with the knowledge that I had lived with the issues all my life (without knowing it) and had coped with the effects throughout a successful career, I decided to meet the challenge of the dissertation and enrolled for the final year of study.

The first semester began with preparation for my dissertation, and a programme of workshops were offered to prepare and advise the students on their subject options and research. My selected subject was Damien Hirst and I chose to investigate his appropriations and exploitation of the art world and his dramatic rise to fame and fortune. Research proved to be challenging but enjoyable and with help and guidance from UCS Staff, I managed to complete a reasonably coherent dissertation.

I now eagerly await the results and continue to prepare new work in preparation for the final Degree Show.