Viewing single post of blog New Ferry Butterfly Park; Empty Shop Project

Same day, new post as I wanted to keep the residents all separate.

Julie Dodd has now started in the space and has already made it her own.

We’ve had a few interested passers by coming in on her first day and saying they’d seen us in the newspaper and asking where the art was haha. So now there are paper book trees hanging from the ceiling and large paper trees on the walls. Julie got busy quickly.

Planning workshops even though we’re asking everyone who comes in to make trees, she needs a lot making for the installation to work in the way she’d like.

We have visitors from a University in Utah, USA next Tuesday night and a local arts and craft group ‘With these Hands’ are holding their meeting in the space another night.

We’ll be asking everyone to make trees then too.

Julie also had an experience with a drunk on her first day, he fell asleep with his head on the table whilst cutting trees (with safety scissors) hopefully this does not put her off!

At least she got an extra tree ;)

Oh and we’ve sold two fluttering butterflies once we realised what a fundraising goldmine they could be and got some to stock – hey if it brings people into the shop I’m not knocking them!