Viewing single post of blog New Ferry Butterfly Park; Empty Shop Project

Spent the day in the shop with Andrea today.
She’s painted 2 bee orchids and 2 more common blue butterflies and I imagine she’ll be there late tonight as she is determined to get as much finished as she can.

We had a few visitors today, not many but the rain was tipping it down all day so I suppose most people would be sensible and stay indoors.

I’ll be back in tomorrow, hope we get a few more visitors.

Roy, one of our volunteers popped in too, he’ll be back with us next week after a bad eye infection has stopped him getting out, great news.

We also had a student in, she’s studying on a combined sciences degree, has 4 months off and is volunteering with Cheshire Council on an eco-community programme but still has spare time and hates being bored, love people like that, so we’re signing her up as a new volunteer too.

I need to contact a whole load more people to come and do talks and workshops as we received another small grant last week. Great news for the project. Means we get another interactive artwork, new flyers for the park and more summer workshops.

Also need to do way more in the way of publicity. Wondering whether its worth actually advertising?
Will be looking into that :)