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Slaughter House 1

Late last night I was pleased to hear my neighbours putting their bins out. It was purely a feeling of self satisfaction as I, following the counsel of my phone, had already put mine out at a far more civilised hour. This piece of petty schadenfreude helped my drift happily off to sleep. The previous day, to that point, had not been my most successful. I had intended to attend my residency at the local gallery but unfortunately I was unable to gain residence. As show is being set up by a taciturn, some might say rude, artist who shall remain nameless. Because of this (event, not humour) the gallery door is often locked and more than once I have been seen (or not) pressing my nose up against the crack in the door gazing at the better (and safer?) world inside. Not 16 years earlier a much younger me was doing the exact same thing up to my knees in snow. I had battled my way into Ipswich from Melton in order to deliver my lectures to eager students. Little did I know that Suffolk tends to close down at the slightest hint of the white stuff and I was surprised to find no one at the art school. By the time of my arrival the weather was already worsening and, were I not writing this, you might think dear reader, that I was about to become another tragic Evening Star headline. In the absence of residential employment I gave up, returned home and continued work on my new project. This is not art but a 1965 RSW 16 it is very cute and somewhat arcane in its design. How I wish I had taken note of the internal cable routing before stripping it down. I am trying to sell my other shopper so that I might fund this project. I have made a fine poster to be hung at the New (most recent) Ipswich Art School which is part of Suffolk New College.

From which I have been made redundant.

I received an email from Andrew Bryant at artists talking. He wants me to come and talk at an event about blogging at Peckham Space on Thursday 17th Nov for a small fee + expenses

“The plan is that I will do a short introduction of you and your blogs, plus a little bit of background on Artists talking, and then you will talk for 15- 20 minutes each. There will then be, I hope, a lively debate on blogging, social network media and all that gubbins.”

I haven’t been blogging regularly on Artists Talking for a little while now due solely to the fact that I can’t seem to do it from my phone, writing in those in between times. I hope this won’t matter. I may copy and paste a few posts from this blog in a cynical move to ingratiate myself with the AN public.

“The working tittle and blurb of the event is:

Artists talking at Peckham Space: to blog or not to blog?
Ever thought of blogging but not sure where to start, how to make time or how it might benefit you? Three artists discus how blogging enhances their work and careers, with advice on what makes a good blog and how to make your blog work for you.”

I have been thinking of late that blogging is becoming a bit passé having heard from a number of more trendy mouths a certain disdain for the blogging artist. Perhaps this will become an interesting talking point.